
Open Pass + $150 to Student Pool

$350.00 Ex GST

Event details

Start time: July 29, 2020, 5:00 pm
End Time: July 31, 2020, 5:00 pm
Location: 14 Darling Dr, Sydney NSW 2000

We only have one type of ticket, the Open! Your Open ticket gives you access to all areas of the conference, from the talks on both tracks, to the vendor stall areas, networking areas, and of course the competitions! You can also use your registration to express interest in the external events, and of course the social events. Keep an eye out for our regular newsletter that will update you on the conference progress.

You will also notice this ticket helps with student sponsorship. You can purchase part, or all, of a student ticket, making it possible for more members of the Cybersecurity community to attend.

In stock (can be backordered)

Your Recipient Information

Ticket Infomation

Get Ticket:


  • “Earliest birds” – the first, eligible for a special reward and a discount of $100
  • “Earlier than most” – Discount off the regular ticket price by $50
  • “Right-on-time”   – Regular tickets, unlimited